Russian helmets: from kaska to stalshlyem 1916-2001 |
Книги |
Автор: Grek_Ko |
Russian helmets: from kaska to stalshlyem 1916-2001 автор: Robert W. Clawson January 2002 Формат: PDF архиватор: RAR обьем: 130 mb Страниц: 128 pages, 161 photos
This volume, written by the world's foremost authority on Russian combat helmets, is the first comprehensive study of the most ubiquitous helmets of the twentieth century. "Russian Helmets" provides the keys to accurate identification of the various models of Russian and Soviet helmets, from steel to exotic metals and composite fiber. It is a comprehensive history of each model issued in any significant number to the troops; in addition it notes numerous rare experimental models and evaluates their contribution to the evolution of subsequent production models. Included are never before published photos of the various models as well as cutaway drawings and diagrams. This book provides a reliable comprehensive reference for every serious helmet collector or student of twentieth century warfare
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4 января 2009 Просмотров: 2 082  |
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