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SolidThinking Evolve v9.0 (WIN32) Software
Автор: wolf444
SolidThinking Evolve v9.0 (WIN32)

SolidThinking, Inc объявила о выпуске SolidThinking Evolve 9.0, новой версии своего концепт-дизайна и 3D-моделирования. SolidThinking Evolve 9.0 имеет упрощенный пользовательский интерфейс и рабочий процесс, улучшение всестороннего взаимодействия моделирования, интерактивные фотореалистичной визуализации и дополнительные форматы.

The successor to solidThinking 8.5, solidThinking Evolve 9.0 offers a hybrid modeling system that allows designers to rapidly create organic surface or solid models while enabling the flexibility of parametric CAD modeling, which gives them complete freedom to create beautiful, manufacturable products.

The new features in the latest solidThinking Evolve release include:

- An improved user interface for better visualization and communication, improved model shading and visualization options, more flexible object naming, flags indicating features that may need repair and a ?smart delete? feature for hiding and un-hiding source objects when deleting items.
- Better surface continuity and control for several tools, and a simplified workflow that allows multiple modeling operations to be completed in a single function.
- Interactive rendering including functions that improve the ability to control multiple textures and materials on each surface. Updated texture mapping allows for interactive placement, and a new KeyShot® plug-in to save native .bip files and launch them directly to KeyShot.

solidThinking has redesigned the engine that controls the software?s tools and the way that the geometry is created and stored. As a result, Evolve 9.0 is more robust than ever and produces better models to pass downstream for engineering and production.

Dozens of updates, both large and small, make Evolve 9.0 easier and faster to use, while creating an environment in which designers are very comfortable working. Users can even submit feedback in real time under the software?s help section.

"We have been testing solidThinking Evolve 9.0 for a few months in our client projects and this new update enhances the software with very good improvements in workflow, visualization quality and speed, yet it feels very familiar,? said Ari Salonen, CEO of Fokusdesign. ?It has proven to be very stable and to handle larger files better.

About solidThinking
solidThinking, Inc. develops and markets innovative software tools that are revolutionizing the creative process for the design, engineering and scientific communities. Concepts for new solidThinking products and enhancements are conjured from a lively partnership with the ThinkLabs Design Studio and parent company Altair Engineering, Inc.

Products include solidThinking Evolve, a highly-integrated 3D concept modeling and rendering environment for designers, and solidThinking Inspire, a unique simulation-driven concept design tool for engineers and architects.

solidThinking products are sold and supported by a global network of select partners. They are also included with Altair?s HyperWorks CAE Suite.

Год: 2013
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 740.42 Mb

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15 мая 2013 Просмотров: 1 595
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