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SlySoft GameJackal Pro Software
Автор: azazelooo
SlySoft GameJackal Pro

Обновилась удобная программа GameJackal. Особенность этой программы заключается в том, что с ее помощью вы сможете играть во все ваши любимые игры, не вставляя оригинальный диск. При этом Game Jackal не изменяет никакой части игры и не создает виртуальные диски, а создает лишь профили игр в то время, когда вы в них играете. Разработчик наделил свой продукт поддержкой CD и DVD носителей, а его главной особенностью является то, что само игровое приложение не изменяется и не создается копия игрового диска, а лишь его профиль. Программа имеет дружелюбный мультиязычный интерфейс включая Русский.

Информация о программех
Название: SlySoft GameJackal Pro
Год выпуска: 2008
Язык Интерфейса : русский,английский.
Размер: 3.8 Mb

Game Jackal Pro is the ultimate "must have" killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you. Keeping your gaming investment safe: One major concern gamers have is the CD's life span. The CD-ROM for a popular game may be inserted and removed many hundreds of times, this of course leads to the inevitable "Unable to read" error and ultimately a trip to the trash.

Features Pro Version:
• Create profiles right from the desktop with the new "One-click" profile creation option. Simply right-click any game icon on you desktop (or anywhere else for that matter) and select "Convert to Game Jackal Profile", a much simplified creation wizard guides you through a 2 step process.
• Unused profiles can now be moved to an archive section allowing you to keep only your current favorites in the "My Game Profile" section.
• A new "plug-in" interface is now available, this allows third-party developers to create plug-ins for Game Jackal Pro.
• Right-click popup menu for profiles, this provides a faster and easier way to manage profiles.
• Improved reliability, support and performance for many games and hardware configurations.
• Support for multi processor hardware, including the ability to specific processor(s) on for each profile.
• Image mode, for games that need to stream data from the CD or DVD during game play.
• An easy to use interface, providing the user with a single tool for "cd free" gaming.
• The creation of a Game Jackal Profile is performed while you are playing your favorite game!
• Using the auto update feature, your version of Game Jackal Pro will always be the latest version available.
• Guardian Control, this feature allows for the password protection of game profiles in addition to specifying when and how long a game can be played.
• No longer do you need to find and insert the game's CD-ROM.
• Preserve the original game's CD-ROM: one of the problems with having a favorite game is that the CD-ROM gets damaged over time.
• Game load times are dramatically shortened

Changes in Release v3.1.2.0 - release (2008-12-08):
- Added driver option switches to help with troubleshooting.
- Fixed an interface bug when running in non-explorer mode.
- Minor interface changes and updates.
- The following is a list of some of the major changes and additions since the last retail release (v3.1.1.4) of Game Jackal :-
a) Driver performance and reliability improvements including changes to reduce "Insert the correct CD/DVD" messages experienced by some users.
b) New "Default" skin.
c) Driver updated to support the latest version of SafeDisc.
d) Driver updates to improve reliability with Securom.
e) Added a number of profile maps including a map for "Call of Duty: World at War".
f) Added profile map for "Far Cry 2".

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9 декабря 2008 Просмотров: 732
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