Futuremark 3DMark06 v1.1.0 Professional (Portable) |
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3DMark06 стал последним DirectX9 бенчмарком (перед тем как выйдет Vista). Чтобы 3DMark06 заработал потребуется графическая подсистема поддерживающая шейдеры версии 2.0. При этом в этом бенчмарке будут присутствовать отдельные тесты, нуждающихся в поддержке Shaders 3.0 и текстур FP16. В 3DMark06 реализованы новые и существенно улучшены старые эффекты. Одним из самых многообесчающих является HDR (High Dynamic Range). В настоящее время он уже используется в некоторых современных играх. Улучшена работа с тенями, по сравнению с версией 3DMark05, открылись новые возможности, просмотра отображения их разбразывания на экране.
Key Features of Basic Edition: • DirectX 9 3D game performance benchmarking, • Separate tests for graphics cards and CPUs, • Workloads that simulate next-generation gaming requirements, • Advanced 3D gaming engine that supports HDR rendering with SM2.0 and SM3.0 Shaders, • Two HDR/SM3.0 game tests and two SM2.0 game tests, • Threaded CPU performance testing based on AI and physics workloads applied to a variety of processor environments. The advanced edition of 3DMark06 has these additional features: • Full control over benchmark display configuration, • 3D graphics feature tests that include Fill Rate, Pixel Shader, Vertex Shader, SM3.0 tests, and Batch Size tests, • Professional tools, including image quality analysis and graph creation of runtime statistics, • Importing of results from MS Excel for easier result management and report creation, and • Access to the Pro-Online ResultBrowser, • Playable mini-game based on CPU test, and • Full demo.
The professional edition has these exclusive features: • Command line functionality for test automation, • Batch-run functionality for automated testing, • Licensed commercial use of 3DMark06, and • Demo Loop option.
3DMark06 Build 1.1.0 Fixes : - Windows Vista enabled; (To run 3DMark06 Build 1.1.0 in Windows Vista 64bit, please run the application as administrator ) - Fixed splash screen on Windows Vista; - Fixed some Export to Excel issues; - Improved startup speed by optimizing the SystemInfo component; - Updated SystemInfo component with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware; - Fixed all reported & reproduced issues. С выходом версии 1.1.0 включена поддержка Vista x32/x64.
Год выпуска: 2006 Версия: 1.1.0 Разработчик: Futuremark Платформа: Windows Совместимость с Vista: Да Системные требования: Minimum System Recommendation • Single-core Intel® or AMD® compatible processor 2.5GHz or higher • DirectX® 9 compatible graphics adapter with Pixel Shader 2.0 support or later, and graphics memory of 256MB* • 1GB of system RAM or more • 1.5GB of free hard disk space • Windows® XP 32bit or Windows Vista™ 32bit operating system with latest Service Packs and updates installed • DirectX® 9.0c December 2005 or later • Visual C++ 2005 Redist • Microsoft Excel® 2003/XP or later for some 3DMark functionality • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later for some 3DMark functionality • Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (December 2005) System Development Kit is required to run the image quality test using the reference rasterizer. Рекомендуемые системные требования • Multi-core Intel® or AMD® compatible processor 2.0GHz or higher • DirectX® 9 compatible graphics adapter with Pixel Shader 3.0 support or later, and graphics memory of 512MB* • 2GB of system RAM or more • 1.5GB of free hard disk space • Windows® XP 32bit or Windows Vista™ 32bit operating system with latest Service Packs and updates installed • DirectX® 9.0c December 2005 or later • Visual C++ 2005 Redist • Microsoft Excel® 2003/XP or later for some 3DMark functionality • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later for some 3DMark functionality • Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (December 2005) System Development Kit is required to run the image quality test using the reference rasterizer. • To run the HDR/SM3.0 graphics tests, a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter with support for Pixel Shader 3.0, 16 bit floating point textures and 16 bit floating point blending is required. It is possible that 3DMark06 will run on PCs that do not meet the minimum recommendation above, but the benchmark performance may be seriously affected. For example, insufficient video memory will result in texture swapping - this will cause fluctuations during the tests, reducing the reliability of the generated scores. Язык интерфейса: только английский Таблэтка: Присутствует
10 декабря 2008 Просмотров: 809  |
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