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XP Repair Pro 3.7 Software
Автор: Ed_Work
XP Repair Pro 3.7

This application will scan and repair over 53,000 common Windows Errors.| 7 Mb

"The main widnow allows you to select the action you want this application to perform."
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 661x489.

"The Registry Repair window allows you to view all the errors in all categories."

"The Regitry Defragment window allows you to analyze the registry and see the graphic panel."
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 681x584.

"The recovery Center window allows you to recover your lost files and folders."
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 758x615.

XP Repair Pro will scan and repair over 53,000 common Windows Errors.
Our unique and one of a kind technology repairs over 53,000 Windows errors and is guaranteed to fix problems on your system.

Using hi-tech and effective functions your system performance will be improved in a dramatic way. Windows and your software will run faster and your system will be more stable.

XP Repair Pro 2006 is the Most Comprehensive System Repair Tool on the Market.

An advanced Registry Cleaner finds and repairs system errors and incorrect information in the windows registry. An optimizer removes obsolete and duplicate entries that Windows and other programs leave behind.

It will fix random PC crashes, error messages and will improve system performance by up to 750 percent.

After the system scan is completed you can view a complete list of errors that were detected and choose to remove which ones you would like or just let the Intelligence System determine which should be removed.

The Intelligence System not only detects errors, but also analyzes each error against the software installed on your computer to determine how that error may affect other software.
Here are some key features of "XP Repair Pro":

· Scans Eight Key Areas of Your PC
· Enhanced Registry Deep Analysis
· A More Functional Scan Results Screen
· Enhanced Graphical User Interface (GUI)
· Improved and Streamlined System Optimizer
· Safely Repair Errors in your Windows System
· Improve System, Program and Gaming Performance and Stability
· Fast and Secure Scanning Algorithms
· Scans Your Drives for Unused Shortcuts
· Automated System Restore Point Creation
· Compacts the Windows Registry for optimized system performance
· ? Automated Repair Capabilities


· Disk Space: Up to 7MB required if .NET is already installed and up to 23MB if .NET is required
· Processor (CPU): Minimum: 300MHZ Intel or AMD Processor
· Memory (RAM): Minimum: 64MB, Recommended: 128MB


10 декабря 2008 Просмотров: 794
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