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n-Track Studio 6.1.1 Build 2653 Beta Software
Автор: bogdanious
n-Track Studio 6.1.1 Build 2653 Beta

n-Track Studio - программа представляет понофункциональную многотрековую аудиостудию, позволяющую в домашних условиях создавать свои собственные профессиональные музыкальные композиции. Программа поможет вам превратить ваш компьютер в домашнюю звукозаписывающую студию. Вы сможете записывать и воспроизводить огромное число аудио и MIDI треков одновременно, накладывать всевозможные эффекты на каждый трек, работать с каналами и т.д.

Кроме стандартных эффектов, программа позволяет подключать DirectX и VST 2.0 плагины от сторонних разработчиков. Также программа может работать с любыми стандартными или многоканальными 16 и 24-битными звуковыми картами.

Возможности программы:
• Все популярные аудио форматы в WAV файлы, за исключением 8-битных, а также Ogg Vorbis
• Поддержка MIDI (включая редактор клавиш)
• Поддержка DX/DXi/VST/VSTi плагинов
• Редактирование с помощью вырезания и вставки
• ASIO, WDM, а также MME аудио интерфейсы
• Надежный набор встроенных эффектов (compressor, MB-compressor, parametric EQ, reverb, auto-vol, pitch shift, echo, chorus, and tempo delay)
• Прямой режим пролушивания эффектов во время записи
• Поддержка использования нескольких звуковых карт
• Звуковое микширование
• Автоматизация звука, панорамирования, AUX посылов и возвратов, а также параметров FX плагинов
• Поддержка технологии ReWire от Propellerhead

n-Track Studio turns your PC into an easy to use multitrack audio recording studio. Record, edit, overdub your audio tracks, apply effects, process audio live input, mix and then burn audio CDs or create mp3 files. n-Track is the perfect tool for professional quality audio recording and editing.

n-Track Studio is an Audio & MIDI Digital Multitrack Recorder that transforms your computer into a powerful audio recording studio. You can record, playback, overdub your audio tracks exploiting the flexibility and power of today's PCs for applying effects, realtime input processing, automated aux channels sends and returns, destructive and non-destructive wave editing. The program supports 24bit-192 khz recording, 64 bit mixing, multiple channels soundcards, live input processing, CD burning, mp3 encoding and much more.

Main n-Track's features:
• Records and plays back a virtually unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks
• DirectX, VST and ReWire effects can be added to each channel/track
• Built-in effects include Reverb, Compression, Parametric & Graphic EQ, Echo, Auto-volume, Pitch Shift, Chorus, Multiband Compression, Spectrum analyzer
• Supports 16 and 24 bit single and multichannel soundcards at sampling frequencies up to 192 Khz using Asio, WaveRT, WDM, MME and DirectSound
• Is compatible with multichannel Asio, WaveRT, WDM and MME audio drivers, which means that n-Track can work with almost any soundcard available today with the lowest possible latency
• Supports VST Instruments and DirectX Instruments synth plug-ins: sample-accurate MIDI tracks can be sent to VSTi/DXi software MIDI synths, without the need of expensive hardware MIDI synths
• Supports surround mixing for creating DVD audio projects using 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 channels surround formats
• Realtime Audio effects can be added to each channel
• Adjust the effect settings and listen to the result in real time
• Built-in effects include Reverb, Compression, Parametric and Graphic EQ, Echo, Auto-volume, Pitch Shift, Chorus, Multiband Compression, Spectrum analyzer
• Supports third party DirectX, VST 2.0 and ReWire plug-ins
• Supports 16 and 24 bit single and multichannel soundcards at sampling frequencies up to 192 Khz using Asio, WaveRT, WDM, MME and DirectSound
• Supports VST Instruments and DirectX Instruments synth plug-ins: sample-accurate MIDI tracks can be sent to VSTi/DXi software MIDI synths, without the need of expensive hardware MIDI synths
• input processing allows to process with plug-ins live signals. Record the 'dry' (unprocessed) signal while processing and reprocess the recording later - i.e. play a guitar through a distortion plug-in then change the distortion after the recording!
• Supports surround mixing for creating DVD audio projects using 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 channels surround formats
• Each audio track includes a 20 bands parametric EQ with graphical frequency response view, a full spectrum analyzer and an automatic instrument tunerUp to 32 aux channels with fully automated sends & returns
• Multiple input and output soundcards or more than one soundcard are supported: you can record multiple tracks at a time and output to more than one stereo output. Each output channels has its own master channel effects and volume contro
• Supports technology by Propellerhead Software AB: signals from other programs (such as Reason, Ableton Live, Fruityloops and many others) can be mixed in realtime with n-Track's own channels
• Imports and exports .wav, .mp3, .wma, .mid, .ogg, .flac, .aiff, .cda, .sng, .sgw audio files
• Imports and exports EDL multitrack song files for exchanging songs with other multitrack programs
• Sync to other programs or external devices using SMPTE/MTC or MIDI Clock sync, acting either as master or slave
• Loads and saves MIDI tracks to standard MIDI files
• Videos (AVI, MPEG) can be played in sync with the song in a dedicated video playback window
• Volume, pan, aux sends & returns and effects parameters can be automated: you can "program" fade-in/outs, cross fades, boost the volume of a track when there is a solo etc.
• Once finished recording the whole song, you can mixdown all the tracks into a single wav file and to use it to record an audio CD track using a CD recorder or to distribute the song via internet using the built-in mp3 encoder

Год выпуска: 2010
Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven
Язык интерфейса: English
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 20.46 Mb

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9 ноября 2010 Просмотров: 1 028
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