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iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X Software
Автор: Rover028

iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

Жизнь любого студента всегда наполнена множеством дел и событий, каждый день – гонка на выживание: напряженное расписание, задания, тесты, лабораторные, потом зачеты, пересдачи, экзамены..Для того чтобы встречать каждый новый семестр во всеоружии – программа iStudiez Pro создана специально , чтобы помочь вам организовать свою студенческую жизнь.


iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

Жизнь любого студента всегда наполнена множеством дел и событий, каждый день – гонка на выживание: напряженное расписание, задания, тесты, лабораторные, потом зачеты, пересдачи, экзамены..Для того чтобы встречать каждый новый семестр во всеоружии – программа iStudiez Pro создана специально , чтобы помочь вам организовать свою студенческую жизнь.

Программа легка и удобна в использовании, с ее помощью Вы сможете скоординировать свое расписание, помнить обо всех своих заданиях и предстоящих академических событиях, всегда вовремя сдавать курсовые и многое другое.

iStudiez Pro…A student’s life is a dizzying mix of activity and just plain craziness! Take charge of your schedule and put iStudiez Pro to work for you! Take advantage of iStudiez Pro easy navigation and never miss another course, lecture and lab, track tasks and deadlines, plan homework, arrange assignments and much more!

Are you a student surviving high school, college or university epoch?

Are you a teacher aiming to track down all the courses and classes you lead?

Are you a parent trying to take care of your kids and to catch up while they are in elementary?

Then iStudiez Pro is for you!

Once you start using the app you will immediately want nothing else to be the tool to arrange all your schedule and homework once and for good. Read below and find out why iStudiez Pro would be the most efficient app on your device!


Mac version syncs with iStudiez Pro on iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad.

With iStudiez Pro you can easily:

Organize Your Schedule

Unique built-in planner lets you input and easy manage all types of schedules including classic, alternating (A & B weeks), rotating and block schedule. Not only you can enter most common course details, but also add instructors with all related information such as office hours, affiliation, phone number and email address. As well you are welcome to add holiday periods and even cancel separate classes in case of outstanding events. In addition, you are supplied with an expanded set of icons designed especially for iStudiez Pro to mark your class types and extracurricular activities. Color labels are available for your convenience to mark each particular course.

Follow Up With Your Homework

Special section is dedicated to keep track of your homework and assignments. Whatever is the way you are used to manage your tasks, you will find it all in iStudiez Pro. Either you want to organize your assignments by date or by course or by priority or sort them into pending and completed, you have all options at your hand. Sometimes you might have group work, so it is envisaged that you can add a partner to any of your assignments (either choose from contacts or create a new contact right inside the app).

Stay Updated

Once your schedule is added, the summary of current classes and tasks is automatically reflected in Today view. You’ll see list of events and assignments including all details such as event type, location, time left, class instructor, number of tasks pending and what’s next on schedule. Courses reflected in Today view are easily modifiable in each and every detail. Today icon always sticks you to the current date!

Track Your Grade/GPA

This option is based on assignments (support of weighted/non-weighted assignments), and GPA calculator is available both for current and past semesters. Support of most world used grading scales (letter grades, percents, points).

What’s New in Version 1.0.7

• Ability to set up your own working days settings in the app

• Shift of schedule after holidays (both for timetable based on alternate days as well as based on A&B weeks)

• The app will keep running even when the main window is closed


• Problem when during syncing classes would have shifted for several minutes occasionally (e.g. when 7:00 appears as 7:02 or 7:07)

• Shift to the next day when app is left running overnight

• Crash while syncing

• Performance improved when saving a class and during syncing

• Brazilian and Italian localizations corrected

Разработчик: iStudiez Team

Системные требования: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Язык интерфейса: английский

Размер: 5,48 Mb

офсайт itunes.apple.com/us/app/ist...

Аспирин: в Аптеке

iStudiez Pro 1.0.7 для Mac OS X

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8 февраля 2012 Просмотров: 1 442
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